4. Connect MetaMask to BSC

Here, we will walk you through how to connect to the Binance Smart-Chain.

  1. Go to your Settings Page.

2. Add a new Network.

Fill in this to enter BINANCE SMART-CHAIN

Testnet RPC URLs ChainID: 0x61, 97 in decimal (if 97 doesnโ€™t work, try 0x61)

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer: https://testnet.bscscan.com

Mainnet RPC URLs ChainID: 0x38, 56 in decimal (if 56 doesnโ€™t work, try 0x38)

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer: https://bscscan.com

3. Claim some testnet token to your account Click on your address for the copy.

Now that we have set up our MetaMask Wallet, it is time to add some BNB into it!

Send BNB Coin to Binance Smart Chain on MetaMask in the next guide!

Last updated